HLB Blömer

Family office

Family office

Our estate planners can optimise your will so that your assets are transferred in a tax-friendly way to the right people.

Ignorance is one of the biggest financial risks in existence. Make sure the Tax Authority is not your primary heir: record what you want to happen with your estate. HLB Blömer accounting and advising will help you draw up the best possible will, so that your assets are transferred in a tax-friendly way to the right people. We have been specialising in estate planning for more than fifteen years. From experience we know that when drawing up your will, factual numbers and emotional preferences come together. There is an art to combining these opposites to arrive at the desired solution. Together with you, we take the time to find the right balance.

Annelies Posthumus

Contact mr. Annelies Posthumus, Senior tax adviser immediately at HLB Blömer in Nieuwegein.

Send an email or call +31 (0)30 605 85 11
mr. Annelies Posthumus